March 9th Tuesday
Ranjitha in Nithyananda sex scandal?
A popular Tamil actress has been caught red-handed getting intimate with Swamiji Nithyananda, who is known as the guru of Tamil Nadu. The alleged sex video scam of the Swamiji, aired by Sun News, has created shock waves across the Tamil Nadu State and beyond. Following the reports that the girl in the video is Tamil actress Ranjitha.
The Tamil news channel Sun TV broadcast the video but didn't reveal the location and the identity of the girl involved. The actress' face was blurred in the video. The news is doing the rounds that the girl, who was seen with Swami Nithyananda in the video, is Tamil actress Ranjitha.
Ranjitha was introduced to films by the famous Tamil director Bharathiraja in Nadodithentral with Karthik.
Ranjitha comes forward; says it was her offering to Swami Nithyananda!
comes forward; says it was her offering to Swami Nithyananda! Ranjitha, the hottest and latest sensation of the Ranjitha-Nityananda sex scam video, says that Swami is innocent.
What is shown in the video is her service and offering to her much-loved Swamiji. It is Swamiji who cured her prolonged panting trouble in just a single day.
While speaking to a bi weekly through a telephonic conversation, Ranjitha stated that “Media unnecessarily blow the issue. I know Swamiji for past few years and my association with him is transparent.”
She says further, “As a true devotee I offered my service like feeding food and massaging him regularly in his personal room. I used to stay with him during late hours but the inmates of the ashram also know this…”
She further stated that “I know my Swamiji. He is a great Athma and will come as a pure Athma soon…”
Ranjitha and Swami Nithyanand in Pictures!
Now the recent video had caused a terrible heart break to most of his followers. Its high time people stop believing in such fraud people anymore.
The video clip triggered many questions about him, his background and real life style. Now, police have filed a complaint in this matter.
Chennai: Swami Nithyananda Scandal! According to the reports by Sun TV, Swami Nithyanand has been caught with a Tamil actress in compromising position.
Though, the Sun TV has not reveled the location, but it’s being said that the sting operation took place in a hotel or his ashrama.
In the mean time, security beefed up to cover Swami Nithyananda’s ashrama situated here at Adi Annamalai area, some 10km away from Tiruvannamalai town.
Locals said that the Swami visited the ashram two months back when he celebrated his birthday there. Police are looking into the matter.
Bangalore: Is it conspiracy against Swami Nithyananda? Swami Nithyananda’s followers do still not believe in so called “cooked story” against the Chief of Dhyanapeetam.
Though, there are no confirmation and no denial from the inmates of the ashram. “We cannot confirm positively whether it is true or it is not true,” says an inmate.
In a statement, speaker of Ashram has denied any charges against the Swami and told that he would come out clean.
Not only this, the Ashram inmates termed the entire scandal a conspiracy carried out with `surgical precision’.
When it came to Tamil actress Ranjeeta, whose name was associated with the tapes, Swami Sacchidananda said she was just a devotee.
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